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How to Create a Logo

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A logo, logotype, brand and even called with the controversial and wrong term "logo", is that design that represents a brand and that is an important part of any marketing strategy.

The logo is a sign of identification. It is through this that the public will identify your product and / or service in the midst of so many others.

I feel like I don't need to get too long to make it clear that being careful when creating a logo is essential, don't you think?

What few know (or do not give importance) is that, after the creation of a logo, there is extensive research work.

A development that starts from theoretical assumptions of design and psychology, involving semiotics, color, composition, concept, etc.

For that, a designer takes a long time to come up with the ideal symbol, which is beautiful and functional for the specific need of the client.

In the meantime, if the cost of that professional exceeds your budget, here are some tips to help you create a logo that is efficient and solves your problem in the first place.

These tips can also serve to understand what the process of creating a logo is like.

Sometimes we hire a designer and we have no idea how a logo is conceived, and knowing about those steps can even help you to be clearer and better align your ideas like those of a professional, having a much more satisfactory result.

It is important to remember that there is no "cake recipe" for creating a logo(business logo designers in USA). Each designer has their own method. We will give here, then, an overview of creating a logo.

Be simple

First of all, we must understand that the logo must be simple.

The logo is a graphic representation of your company and this must be synthesized so that it is easily identified , without unnecessary information.

Very elaborate logos, full of elements and effects, convey a sense of disorganization.

You don't want the image of your company to be that, right?

How it can be better explained in this article on graphic design , a logo is when we join the icon that gives the face of your brand, to the title / name of it.

That means your logo is half "design" and half text.

And, sometimes, in addition to your brand name, some supporting text or slogan is added. This being the case, that simplicity must also be maintained in the font family with which that text will be written.

Notice that "source" was cited in the singular. Using more than one font in a logo is not recommended.

A uniform typography in your logo generates visual conformity, things combine better and you engrave in the visual memory of your client, the name of your brand in that specific font.

And that makes all the difference.

Think, for example, of Coca-Cola, Adidas, Disney ... All the logos of these brands have in common a typeface that makes us identify the product.